File: u_controls_tooltip.sru
Size: 11009
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:32:56 +0200
global type u_controls_tooltip from u_explorer
end type
type st_1 from u_st within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type dw_1 from u_dw_form within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type cb_2 from u_cb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type cbx_2 from u_cbx within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type ddlb_2 from u_ddlb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type em_2 from u_em within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type p_2 from u_p within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type uo_2 from u_icon within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type rb_2 from u_rb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type sle_2 from u_sle within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type shl_2 from u_shl within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type shl_1 from u_shl within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type sle_1 from u_sle within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type rb_1 from u_rb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type uo_1 from u_icon within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type p_1 from u_p within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type em_1 from u_em within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type ddlb_1 from u_ddlb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type cbx_1 from u_cbx within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type cb_1 from u_cb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type gb_1 from u_gb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type gb_2 from u_gb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
type gb_3 from u_gb within u_controls_tooltip
end type
end forward

global type u_controls_tooltip from u_explorer
integer width = 3099
integer height = 1392
boolean #tooltips = true
st_1 st_1
dw_1 dw_1
cb_2 cb_2
cbx_2 cbx_2
ddlb_2 ddlb_2
em_2 em_2
p_2 p_2
uo_2 uo_2
rb_2 rb_2
sle_2 sle_2
shl_2 shl_2
shl_1 shl_1
sle_1 sle_1
rb_1 rb_1
uo_1 uo_1
p_1 p_1
em_1 em_1
ddlb_1 ddlb_1
cbx_1 cbx_1
cb_1 cb_1
gb_1 gb_1
gb_2 gb_2
gb_3 gb_3
end type
global u_controls_tooltip u_controls_tooltip

on u_controls_tooltip.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
this.st_1=create st_1
this.dw_1=create dw_1
this.cb_2=create cb_2
this.cbx_2=create cbx_2
this.ddlb_2=create ddlb_2
this.em_2=create em_2
this.p_2=create p_2
this.uo_2=create uo_2
this.rb_2=create rb_2
this.sle_2=create sle_2
this.shl_2=create shl_2
this.shl_1=create shl_1
this.sle_1=create sle_1
this.rb_1=create rb_1
this.uo_1=create uo_1
this.p_1=create p_1
this.em_1=create em_1
this.ddlb_1=create ddlb_1
this.cbx_1=create cbx_1
this.cb_1=create cb_1
this.gb_1=create gb_1
this.gb_2=create gb_2
this.gb_3=create gb_3
end on

on u_controls_tooltip.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

event ke_postopen;call super::ke_postopen;//tooltips
dw_1.of_AddTooltip("emp_id", "Employee ID")
dw_1.of_AddTooltip("manager_id", TRUE, information!, "Manager ID", "Identification Number of the Employee's Manager")
dw_1.of_AddTooltip("emp_fname", TRUE, none!, CString.Empty, "Employee First Name")
dw_1.of_AddTooltip("emp_lname", TRUE, exclamation!, "Employee Last Name", "The Employee's given Last Name.")
dw_1.of_AddTooltip("dept_id", TRUE, none!, "Department ID", "The Employee's Department.")

//dw_1.of_AutosizeColumns(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
end event

type st_1 from u_st within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 55
integer y = 1088
integer width = 1184
integer height = 244
string text = "Most controls have tooltip properties including balloon settings. For datawindows, you have to specify them manually. Check out the ke_postopen event to see how to setup datawindow tooltips."
boolean #anchortop = true
boolean #anchorleft = true
boolean #anchorbottom = true
end type

type dw_1 from u_dw_form within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 1298
integer y = 128
integer width = 1691
integer height = 880
integer taborder = 40
string dataobject = "dw_emp_form"
boolean vscrollbar = true
boolean #anchortop = true
boolean #anchorleft = true
boolean #anchorright = true
boolean #anchorbottom = true
boolean #tooltips = true
boolean #editmode = true
boolean #autosizecolumns = false
end type

type cb_2 from u_cb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 144
integer taborder = 30
string text = "Button"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "This is a simple balloon tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
end type

type cbx_2 from u_cbx within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 256
string text = "Checkbox"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "This is a Checkbox tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
string #tooltiptitle = "A Balloon with Title"
end type

type ddlb_2 from u_ddlb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 352
integer taborder = 40
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "This is a dropdown tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
icon #tooltipicon = information!
string #tooltiptitle = "Balloon title with Icon :)"
end type

type em_2 from u_em within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 464
integer taborder = 50
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Editmask tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
icon #tooltipicon = exclamation!
string #tooltiptitle = "Different Icon this time"
end type

type p_2 from u_p within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 592
integer width = 110
integer height = 96
string picturename = ".\Resource\24_ADMIN.bmp"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Picture Tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
icon #tooltipicon = stopsign!
string #tooltiptitle = "And another icon"
end type

type uo_2 from u_icon within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 878
integer y = 592
integer width = 155
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 60
string #resourcename = "BACK_ARROW"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Icon tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
icon #tooltipicon = question!
string #tooltiptitle = "Balloon Title"
end type

on uo_2.destroy
call u_icon::destroy
end on

type rb_2 from u_rb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 736
string text = "Radiobutton"
boolean checked = true
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Radiobutton tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
string #tooltiptitle = "Back to basic balloon"
end type

type sle_2 from u_sle within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 816
integer taborder = 60
string text = "SLE"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "SingleLineEdit Tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
icon #tooltipicon = question!
string #tooltiptitle = "Need something else?"
end type

type shl_2 from u_shl within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 731
integer y = 944
string text = "StaticHyperlink"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "StaticHyperLink Tooltip"
boolean #balloontooltip = true
icon #tooltipicon = exclamation!
string #tooltiptitle = "Balloon!"
end type

type shl_1 from u_shl within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 944
string text = "StaticHyperlink"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "StaticHyperLink Tooltip"
end type

type sle_1 from u_sle within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 816
integer taborder = 60
string text = "SLE"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "SingleLineEdit Tooltip"
end type

type rb_1 from u_rb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 736
string text = "Radiobutton"
boolean checked = true
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Radiobutton tooltip"
end type

type uo_1 from u_icon within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 274
integer y = 592
integer width = 155
integer height = 112
integer taborder = 50
string #resourcename = "BACK_ARROW"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Icon tooltip"
end type

on uo_1.destroy
call u_icon::destroy
end on

type p_1 from u_p within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 592
integer width = 110
integer height = 96
string picturename = ".\Resource\24_ADMIN.bmp"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Picture Tooltip"
end type

type em_1 from u_em within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 464
integer taborder = 40
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "Editmask tooltip"
end type

type ddlb_1 from u_ddlb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 352
integer taborder = 30
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "This is a dropdown tooltip"
end type

type cbx_1 from u_cbx within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 256
string text = "Checkbox"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "This is a Checkbox tooltip"
end type

type cb_1 from u_cb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 128
integer y = 144
integer taborder = 20
string text = "Button"
boolean #tooltip = true
string #tooltiptext = "This is a button tooltip"
end type

type gb_1 from u_gb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 55
integer y = 48
integer width = 558
integer height = 996
integer taborder = 10
string text = "Simple Tooltips"
borderstyle borderstyle = stylebox!
end type

type gb_2 from u_gb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 658
integer y = 48
integer width = 558
integer height = 996
integer taborder = 20
string text = "Balloon Style Tooltips"
borderstyle borderstyle = stylebox!
end type

type gb_3 from u_gb within u_controls_tooltip
integer x = 1262
integer y = 48
integer width = 1760
integer height = 996
integer taborder = 30
string text = "Datawindow Mixed Tooltips"
borderstyle borderstyle = stylebox!
boolean #anchortop = true
boolean #anchorleft = true
boolean #anchorright = true
boolean #anchorbottom = true
end type

  • u_explorer u_controls_tooltip(sru)
    • u_st st_1
    • u_dw_form dw_1
    • u_cb cb_2
    • u_cbx cbx_2
    • u_ddlb ddlb_2
    • u_em em_2
    • u_p p_2
    • u_icon uo_2
    • u_rb rb_2
    • u_sle sle_2
    • u_shl shl_2
    • u_shl shl_1
    • u_sle sle_1
    • u_rb rb_1
    • u_icon uo_1
    • u_p p_1
    • u_em em_1
    • u_ddlb ddlb_1
    • u_cbx cbx_1
    • u_cb cb_1
    • u_gb gb_1
    • u_gb gb_2
    • u_gb gb_3