$PBExportHeader$w_base.srw $PBExportComments$Base Window forward global type w_base from window end type end forward shared variables end variables global type w_base from window boolean visible = false integer width = 2569 integer height = 1512 boolean titlebar = true boolean controlmenu = true boolean minbox = true boolean maxbox = true boolean resizable = true long backcolor = 67108864 string icon = "AppIcon!" event ke_preopen ( ) event ke_postopen ( ) event ke_changes ( ) event ke_minmax pbm_getminmaxinfo event ke_postinit ( ) event type long ke_preclose ( ) event ke_mousemove ( dragobject drg_object, integer xpos, integer ypos ) event ke_show ( ) event ke_balloonnotify ( readonly icon ai_icon, readonly string as_title ) end type global w_base w_base type variables Public: Boolean #AutoPositionWindow = TRUE, #ToolTips integer #WindowPosition = CWindowpos.center long #MinWidth, #MinHeight, #MaxWidth, #MaxHeight Private: Boolean #HasChanges end variables forward prototypes public subroutine of_clearchanges () public function boolean of_haschanges () public subroutine of_setchanges (readonly boolean ab_changes) protected subroutine of_constructcontrols () public subroutine of_position (window aw_parentwindow, readonly integer ai_position) public subroutine of_position (readonly integer ai_position) public subroutine of_scantooltips (readonly boolean ab_load) end prototypes event ke_preopen();//fired on open, before post IF #Tooltips THEN of_ScanTooltips(TRUE) END IF end event event ke_postopen();//fire construct for all controls of_ConstructControls() EVENT ke_postinit() EVENT ke_show() end event event ke_changes();this.of_setchanges(TRUE) end event event ke_minmax;IF Resizable THEN n_svc_mgr lnv_svcman n_svc_window lnv_svcwin lnv_svcman.of_loadsvc(lnv_svcwin, CSvc.WINDOW) IF (#MinWidth > 0 ) OR (#MinHeight > 0) THEN lnv_svcwin.of_setmin(lnv_svcman, minmaxinfo, #MinWidth, #MinHeight) END IF IF (#MaxWidth > 0) OR (#MaxHeight > 0) THEN lnv_svcwin.of_setmax(lnv_svcman, minmaxinfo, #MaxWidth, #MaxHeight) END IF END IF RETURN 0 end event event ke_postinit();IF #AutoPositionWindow THEN window lw_parent lw_parent = ParentWindow() of_Position(lw_parent, #windowposition) END IF end event event type long ke_preclose();RETURN CRet.NO_ACTION end event event ke_show();//triggered after all posts this.Visible = TRUE end event event ke_balloonnotify(readonly icon ai_icon, readonly string as_title);IF #Tooltips THEN n_svc_mgr lnv_svc n_svc_tooltip lnv_tip lnv_svc.of_LoadSvc(lnv_tip, CSvc.TOOLTIP) lnv_tip.of_SetBalloontitle(lnv_svc, as_title, ai_icon) END IF end event public subroutine of_clearchanges ();of_setchanges(FALSE) end subroutine public function boolean of_haschanges ();RETURN #HasChanges end function public subroutine of_setchanges (readonly boolean ab_changes);#HasChanges = ab_changes end subroutine protected subroutine of_constructcontrols ();long ll_count, n any la ll_count = UPPERBOUND(this.Control) FOR n = 1 to ll_count //if the object does not contain //the ke_constructor() event, this call //will fail silently (See PB Help on DYNAMIC calls) la = Control[n].EVENT DYNAMIC ke_constructor() NEXT end subroutine public subroutine of_position (window aw_parentwindow, readonly integer ai_position);n_svc_mgr lnv_svcman n_svc_window lnv_svcwin lnv_svcman.of_loadsvc(lnv_svcwin, CSvc.WINDOW) IF ISVALID(aw_parentwindow) THEN lnv_svcwin.of_position(aw_parentwindow, this, ai_position) ELSE lnv_svcwin.of_position(this, ai_position) END IF end subroutine public subroutine of_position (readonly integer ai_position);window lw of_Position(lw, ai_position) end subroutine public subroutine of_scantooltips (readonly boolean ab_load);n_svc_mgr lnv_svc n_svc_tooltip lnv_t lnv_svc.of_LoadSvc(lnv_t, CSvc.TOOLTIP) lnv_t.of_scantooltips(lnv_svc, this, ab_load) end subroutine on w_base.create end on on w_base.destroy end on event open;EVENT ke_preopen() EVENT POST ke_postopen() end event event close;IF #Tooltips THEN of_ScanTooltips(FALSE) END IF RETURN EVENT ke_preclose() end event
- Sources
- Kodigo
- OpenExplorer
- w_base.srw
File: w_base.srw
Size: 4276
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:31:05 +0200
Size: 4276
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:31:05 +0200