$PBExportHeader$w_dropdown_time.srw forward global type w_dropdown_time from w_base_dropdown end type type lb_1 from u_lb within w_dropdown_time end type end forward global type w_dropdown_time from w_base_dropdown integer width = 283 integer height = 384 lb_1 lb_1 end type global w_dropdown_time w_dropdown_time on w_dropdown_time.create int iCurrent call super::create this.lb_1=create lb_1 iCurrent=UpperBound(this.Control) this.Control[iCurrent+1]=this.lb_1 end on on w_dropdown_time.destroy call super::destroy destroy(this.lb_1) end on event key;call super::key;IF key = KeyEnter! THEN IF ISVALID(inv_dropdown) THEN time lt string ls ls = lb_1.SelectedItem() IF ls = CString.EMPTY THEN RETURN lt = TIME(ls) inv_dropdown.POST of_SetReturnValue(lt) END IF END IF end event event ke_initvalue;call super::ke_initvalue;time lt integer li IF ISNULL(value) THEN RETURN TRY lt = TIME(value) li = lb_1.FindItem(STRING(lt, "h:mm AM/PM"), 0) IF li > 0 THEN lb_1.SelectItem(li) CATCH (RuntimeError ex) //swallow END TRY end event event ke_preopen;call super::ke_preopen;long n string ls_val lb_1.AddItem("12:00 AM") lb_1.AddItem("12:30 AM") FOR n = 1 to 11 ls_val = STRING(n) + ":" lb_1.AddItem(ls_val + "00 AM") lb_1.AddItem(ls_val + "30 AM") NEXT lb_1.AddItem("12:00 PM") lb_1.AddItem("12:30 PM") FOR n = 1 to 11 ls_val = STRING(n) + ":" lb_1.AddItem(ls_val + "00 PM") lb_1.AddItem(ls_val + "30 PM") NEXT end event event ke_postinit;call super::ke_postinit;this.Resize(lb_1.Width + 8, lb_1.Height + 8) end event type lb_1 from u_lb within w_dropdown_time integer width = 329 integer height = 448 integer taborder = 10 boolean border = false boolean vscrollbar = true boolean sorted = false borderstyle borderstyle = stylebox! end type event doubleclicked;call super::doubleclicked;IF ISVALID(inv_dropdown) THEN time lt string ls ls = lb_1.SelectedItem() IF ls = CString.EMPTY THEN RETURN lt = TIME(ls) inv_dropdown.POST of_SetReturnValue(lt) END IF end event
- Sources
- Kodigo
- OpenExplorer
- w_dropdown_time.srw
File: w_dropdown_time.srw
Size: 2098
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:32:03 +0200
Size: 2098
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:32:03 +0200
- w_base_dropdown w_dropdown_time(srw)
- u_lb lb_1