This program has various functions to interact with a Pocket PC attached to your computer. Copy files between the Pocket PC and your desktop computer, create and delete directories, update the registry and check memory status among other things
This example only comes in a PB10 version. This is because the Pocket PC is Unicode only so calling RAPI functions from non Unicode versions of PB is very difficult. It also uses the LongLong datatype which was introduced in PB9.
Win API Functions used:
CeCloseHandle | CeCreateDirectory | CeCreateFile |
CeDeleteFile | CeFindClose | CeFindFirstFile |
CeFindNextFile | CeGetFileAttributes | CeGetFileSize |
CeGetFileTime | CeGetLastError | CeGetStoreInformation |
CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx | CeGetTempPath | CeGetVersionEx |
CeGlobalMemoryStatus | CeRapiInit | CeRapiInitEx |
CeRapiUninit | CeReadFile | CeRegCloseKey |
CeRegCreateKeyEx | CeRegDeleteKey | CeRegDeleteValue |
CeRegOpenKeyEx | CeRegQueryValueEx | CeRegSetValueEx |
CeRemoveDirectory | CeSetFileAttributes | CeWriteFile |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | FileTimeToSystemTime | FormatMessage |
WaitForSingleObject |
——— Last updated 05/10/2007 ———