File: u_tabpage_filesystem.sru
Size: 12283
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 17:30:58 +0200
global type u_tabpage_filesystem from u_base_tabpage
end type
type cb_setattrib from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cbx_archive from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cbx_subdir from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cbx_system from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cbx_hidden from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cbx_readonly from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_getattrib from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_getfilesize from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_getfiletime from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_deletefile from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_copytodevice from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_copytopc from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type cb_browse from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type sle_cefilename from singlelineedit within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type st_2 from statictext within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type st_1 from statictext within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
type sle_pcfilename from singlelineedit within u_tabpage_filesystem
end type
end forward

global type u_tabpage_filesystem from u_base_tabpage
integer width = 2158
integer height = 1216
string text = "File System"
cb_setattrib cb_setattrib
cbx_archive cbx_archive
cbx_subdir cbx_subdir
cbx_system cbx_system
cbx_hidden cbx_hidden
cbx_readonly cbx_readonly
cb_getattrib cb_getattrib
cb_getfilesize cb_getfilesize
cb_getfiletime cb_getfiletime
cb_deletefile cb_deletefile
cb_copytodevice cb_copytodevice
cb_copytopc cb_copytopc
cb_browse cb_browse
sle_cefilename sle_cefilename
st_2 st_2
st_1 st_1
sle_pcfilename sle_pcfilename
end type
global u_tabpage_filesystem u_tabpage_filesystem

type variables
n_rapi in_rapi

end variables

on u_tabpage_filesystem.create
int iCurrent
call super::create
this.cb_setattrib=create cb_setattrib
this.cbx_archive=create cbx_archive
this.cbx_subdir=create cbx_subdir
this.cbx_system=create cbx_system
this.cbx_hidden=create cbx_hidden
this.cbx_readonly=create cbx_readonly
this.cb_getattrib=create cb_getattrib
this.cb_getfilesize=create cb_getfilesize
this.cb_getfiletime=create cb_getfiletime
this.cb_deletefile=create cb_deletefile
this.cb_copytodevice=create cb_copytodevice
this.cb_copytopc=create cb_copytopc
this.cb_browse=create cb_browse
this.sle_cefilename=create sle_cefilename
this.st_2=create st_2
this.st_1=create st_1
this.sle_pcfilename=create sle_pcfilename
end on

on u_tabpage_filesystem.destroy
call super::destroy
end on

type cb_setattrib from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 37
integer y = 736
integer taborder = 100
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Set Attributes"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_cefile

ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   in_rapi.of_SetFileAttributes(ls_cefile, cbx_readonly.Checked, &
               cbx_hidden.Checked, cbx_system.Checked, &
End If

end event

type cbx_archive from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 980
integer width = 407
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "Archive"
end type

type cbx_subdir from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 884
integer width = 407
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
boolean enabled = false
string text = "Sub Directory"
end type

type cbx_system from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 788
integer width = 407
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "System"
end type

type cbx_hidden from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 692
integer width = 407
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "Hidden"
end type

type cbx_readonly from checkbox within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 596
integer width = 407
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "Read Only"
end type

type cb_getattrib from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 37
integer y = 576
integer taborder = 90
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Get Attributes"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_cefile

ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   in_rapi.of_GetFileAttributes(ls_cefile, cbx_readonly.Checked, &
               cbx_hidden.Checked, cbx_system.Checked, &
               cbx_subdir.Checked, cbx_archive.Checked)
End If

end event

type cb_getfilesize from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 37
integer y = 416
integer taborder = 70
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Get File Size"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_cefile
LongLong lll_size

ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   lll_size = in_rapi.of_GetFileSize(ls_cefile)
   MessageBox("Get File Size", String(lll_size))
End If

end event

type cb_getfiletime from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 416
integer taborder = 80
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Get File Time"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_cefile
DateTime ldt_filetime

ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   ldt_filetime = in_rapi.of_GetFileTime(ls_cefile)
   If Not IsNull(ldt_filetime) Then
      MessageBox("Get File Time", String(ldt_filetime))
   End If
End If

end event

type cb_deletefile from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 1061
integer y = 256
integer taborder = 60
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Delete File"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_cefile
Boolean lb_result

ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   lb_result = in_rapi.of_DeleteFile(ls_cefile)
   If lb_result Then
      MessageBox("Delete File", "File Delete Complete!")
      MessageBox("Delete File", "File Delete Failed!")
   End If
End If

end event

type cb_copytodevice from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 549
integer y = 256
integer taborder = 50
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Copy to Device"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_pcfile, ls_cefile
Boolean lb_result

ls_pcfile = sle_pcfilename.text
ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   lb_result = in_rapi.of_CopyFile_ToCE(ls_pcfile, ls_cefile)
   If lb_result Then
      MessageBox("Copy File To Device", "File Copy Complete!")
      MessageBox("Copy File To Device", "File Copy Failed!")
   End If
End If

end event

type cb_copytopc from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 37
integer y = 256
integer taborder = 40
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Copy to PC"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_pcfile, ls_cefile
Boolean lb_result

ls_pcfile = sle_pcfilename.text
ls_cefile = sle_cefilename.text

If in_rapi.of_Connect() Then
   lb_result = in_rapi.of_CopyFile_ToPC(ls_cefile, ls_pcfile)
   If lb_result Then
      MessageBox("Copy File To PC", "File Copy Complete!")
      MessageBox("Copy File To PC", "File Copy Failed!")
   End If
End If

end event

type cb_browse from u_base_button within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 1792
integer y = 32
integer width = 297
integer height = 80
integer taborder = 30
integer textsize = -8
string text = "Browse"
end type

event clicked;call super::clicked;String ls_title, ls_pathname, ls_filename, ls_filter
Integer li_rc

ls_title  = "Select a File"
ls_filter = "All Files (*.*),*.*"

li_rc = GetFileOpenName(ls_title, ls_pathname, ls_filename, "", ls_filter)
If li_rc = 1 Then
   sle_cefilename.text = "\" + ls_filename
   sle_pcfilename.text = ls_pathname
End If

end event

type sle_cefilename from singlelineedit within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 329
integer y = 128
integer width = 1431
integer height = 80
integer taborder = 20
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
string text = "\Program Files\Sybase\ASA\asademo.db"
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
end type

type st_2 from statictext within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 37
integer y = 140
integer width = 261
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "Device File:"
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type st_1 from statictext within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 37
integer y = 44
integer width = 201
integer height = 60
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
long backcolor = 67108864
string text = "PC File:"
boolean focusrectangle = false
end type

type sle_pcfilename from singlelineedit within u_tabpage_filesystem
integer x = 329
integer y = 32
integer width = 1431
integer height = 80
integer taborder = 10
integer textsize = -8
integer weight = 400
fontcharset fontcharset = ansi!
fontpitch fontpitch = variable!
fontfamily fontfamily = swiss!
string facename = "Arial"
long textcolor = 33554432
string text = "C:\Temp\asademo.db"
borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered!
end type

  • u_base_tabpage u_tabpage_filesystem(sru)
    • u_base_button cb_setattrib
    • checkbox cbx_archive
    • checkbox cbx_subdir
    • checkbox cbx_system
    • checkbox cbx_hidden
    • checkbox cbx_readonly
    • u_base_button cb_getattrib
    • u_base_button cb_getfilesize
    • u_base_button cb_getfiletime
    • u_base_button cb_deletefile
    • u_base_button cb_copytodevice
    • u_base_button cb_copytopc
    • u_base_button cb_browse
    • singlelineedit sle_cefilename
    • statictext st_2
    • statictext st_1
    • singlelineedit sle_pcfilename